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At Riverside our aim is to be transfixed every week with the majesty and glory of God as we worship God together. And then we want to take the joy that his glory brings to our hearts and extend that joy into the lives of each other. We want to lift each others burdens, and spur each other on to love and good deeds. And finally we want to be so built up in our faith that we extend our joy out to our community, so that others can enter into our experience of God - his glory and purposes.


To that end, we want to be a spiritually mature, growing and vision orientated church. We encourage new vistors to engage with our online content, and our statement of faith. And we hope that if you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour and Treasure, that you will come to know him at Riverside. And that if you already know him, that you might join us in our vision for the extension of his kingdom as a member at Riverside Baptist Church.

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