‘Riverside Baptist Church’ exists for the glory and honour of the God of the bible and our personal Saviour Jesus Christ.
To that end we seek to fulfil the following functions:
To worship God with outward expressions that are consistent with His Word, the Bible.
To be taught from the Word of God so that our lives might be moulded and shaped for his purposes here on earth.
To encourage and strengthen the faith of our fellow believers in God and in his glorious purposes so that our individual gifts are pressed into service for him.
To practice the two ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper found in the New Testament.
To be a prayerful people who rely on the power of God to prosper our endeavours for his causes.
To acknowledge the authority of Jesus over our lives and the authority he has invested in the leaders of local churches to direct the affairs of the church, as they are faithful to the Word of God.
To spread the good news of Salvation in Jesus alone to the local community by whatever legitimate means, and where possible to support efforts to spread it to the world at large.
To lift the physical burdens of the needy wherever possible and with the means God has made available, and only as those efforts prioritise meeting the spiritual needs of people.
In all these aims, our desire is not to accrue praise for ourselves, but for the surpassing worth of Jesus and the glory of God to be experienced and enjoyed by as many people as possible, because we believe this is the chief purpose of all people and their most pressing need.